
Event programs give your visitors an itinerary so they can stay on schedule and look forward to the rest of the event. Order custom event programs today from Dollar Bill Printing.

Keep Your Event Organized with Printed Programs


Without a program, your visitors walk blindly into an event with no idea what to expect. Event programs give them everything they need to know in a clean, orderly format. They'll see a list of events with more information about the hosts, speakers, workshops, sports games and other relevant factors. Best of all, they give visitors a souvenir to take home so they can remember the event fondly. When you're ready to host your next event, contact Dollar Bill Printing to order a stack of crisp, professional event programs.

What Kinds of Events Need Programs?

A one-off event like a soccer game usually doesn't need a program. However, an event with multiple games, stages or speakers needs a program so your visitors know what to expect and plan accordingly. This is especially important for events that have multiple speakers and workshops going on at the same time. Think about ordering programs if you're hosting one of these events:

  • Dance recitals. Recital programs let the visitors see every class and dance routine to know when their children will perform.

  • Conferences and conventions. Conference programs offer a list of presentations so visitors know when they can watch their favorite speakers.

  • Major sports events. If you have multiple games or events on the same night, your visitors need programs so they know who's playing at what time.

  • Weddings. Wedding programs offer information about the service, plus the couple's names, bridesmaids, family members and other people in the wedding party. Your visitors will also keep the program as a souvenir.

  • Large company events. Event programs show your employees what to expect so they can plan ahead.

  • Company meetings. You don't need a program for hour-long meetings, but a program helps your employees plan their day if the meeting will go on for several hours.

  • Concerts with multiple performers. A concert program ensures that your visitors won't miss their favorite musicians.

  • Church functions. A program shows visitors what to expect during the service.

  • Awards shows. With an awards show program, visitors can root for their favorite people and see when you're announcing the winners.

  • Graduations. School graduations usually have multiple speakers and performances, so a program shows attendees what you have planned for the event.

  • Charity events. A charity program offers information about speakers, fundraisers, raffle drawings and other events throughout the day.

Generally, long events with multiple speakers or performances need a program. Talk to Dollar Bill Printing if you're uncertain if you should order a set of programs or not.

What Are Some Other Benefits of Event Programs?

The main benefit of programs is that they give your visitors an organized itinerary of events. However, programs also give your visitors a place to write down information, circle the most important events and keep track of their schedules. This might sound like a minor benefit, but it makes the event easier for your attendees.

Event booklets also enhance your company's branding. Most people know what kind of event they're attending when they arrive, but they might not know that your business is hosting the event. Even if they knew ahead of time, a branded program still helps them remember your business so they'll be more likely to work with you in the future. When they have fun at the event, they'll remember your business positively and recommend it to others.

Finally, programs can drum up interest in your event. A bright, colorful program shows attendees that this is a fun event that they can look forward to, not a boring event that their employer forced them to attend. With creative graphic design and an expert printing service like Dollar Bill Printing, your program will set the tone for the event.

Why Should You Work With Dollar Bill Printing?

As a company with over 40 years of experience, we've got the tools to help you every step of the way. We offer graphic design and layout services that help you design a cheery yet tasteful program for your upcoming event. Once you're ready to go, choose from a folded program, booklet or bound program for a more elaborate event. Talk to Dollar Bill Printing about ordering programs for weddings, conferences, trade shows, dance recitals, funerals, charity functions and other events.